
Private Abdomen & Pelvic Ultrasound

Ravenscroft Health offers Private Abdomen & Pelvic Ultrasound services, providing meticulous and precise imaging to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions. Using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, our highly skilled technicians capture detailed images of the abdominal and pelvic regions, facilitating the detection of issues such as gallstones, liver disease, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids, among others. This non-invasive, painless procedure is conducted in a serene and private environment, ensuring your comfort and confidentiality. Whether for routine check-ups, specific health concerns, or follow-up assessments, our Private Abdomen & Pelvic Ultrasound services deliver accurate and dependable results, empowering you with insights into your health. Ravenscroft Health is dedicated to providing exceptional diagnostic imaging and compassionate care, ensuring a thorough understanding of your health with each precise examination.

Fees -


0208 427 0808

Our scan offers a reliable way to identify the cause of discomfort in the abdomen or pelvic area. It's commonly used for issues such as general belly pain, ulcers, kidney stones, bloating, unexplained weight loss, and unusual bleeding. Additionally, it can assess the impact of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on the body. This ultrasound provides detailed images, aiding doctors in making accurate diagnoses and planning effective treatments.

Combined imaging of abdominal and pelvic areas for a thorough examination of multiple organs.

Precise imaging to diagnose and evaluate the presence and severity of hernias.

Accurate assessment of kidney, bladder, and urinary tract health to detect stones, infections, and other issues.

Evaluation of pelvic organs to identify conditions such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.

Comprehensive screening and diagnostic services for breast health, including ultrasound and clinical evaluations.

Detailed imaging of abdominal organs to diagnose and monitor conditions like liver disease and gallstones.

Why Choose Us?

  • No GP referral required.
  • Same day test results
  • High quality images
  • Recommendations and onward referrals to specialists and GP’s
  • Regulated by CQC

Abdominal and Pelvic Ultrasound checks

  • Uterus
  • Ovaries
  • Cervix
  • Liver
  • Gall Bladder and Gall Stones
  • Spleen
  • Pancreas
  • Abdominal Aorta
  • Kidneys and Kidney Stones


How much does Private Abdomen & Pelvic Ultrasound cost?

ÂŁ250 for duration of 30 minutes.

What happens during the appointment?

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.

The sonographer will gather relevant information regarding your concerns. They will explain the procedure to you.

You will be asked to lie on your back and expose your upper abdomen.

A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your skin. The gel will help the ultrasound probe to make good contact with the skin. The ultrasound probe will be placed on the body and will be moved in different directions over the area of interest to obtain the required information/ultrasound images.

There is usually no discomfort from pressure as the probe is pressed against the area being examined. However, if scanning is performed over an area of tenderness, you may feel pressure or minor discomfort from the probe.

Once the imaging is completed, the clear gel will be wiped off your skin. Any portions that are not wiped off will dry quickly. The gel does not usually stain or discolour clothing.

This examination is usually completed within 10-20 minutes. You should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.

When will I receive the results?

The clinician will explain the ultrasound findings at the time of your scan. Following your appointment, a complete digital report of your Ultrasound examination will be emailed to you directly with any recommended actions.

What are the risks of Abdominal ultrasound scan?

There are no risks or side effects associated with the private abdominal ultrasound scan. Ultrasound does not use any radiation, here are no confirmed adverse biological effects on patients or instrument operators caused by exposures to ultrasound at the intensity levels used in diagnostic ultrasound.



Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan

Joint Injections

Pain Management

Sports Injuries

Adult Physiotherapy

Children Physiotherapy

Women’s Physiotherapy

Home Physiotherapy

Shockwave therapy


Foot Scan and Phits Orthotics

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Enhancing Life, Excelling In Care.

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