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Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Physiotherapy
Benefits of Physiotherapy
If you’ve ever sustained an injury, you may have been referred
to a physiotherapist
to help restore movement and function to the damaged area. But there is a lot more to physiotherapy than
that, which you might not be aware of.
One-stop shop
Ravenscroft Health
isn’t just a leading physiotherapy clinic but a one-stop shop for all types of musculoskeletal problems
(conditions affecting the bones, joints and soft tissues, muscles, ligaments and tendons). Our team
includes extended scope physiotherapists, sports and exercise
medicine consultants, MSK Physicians,
Orthopaedic and Pain Consultants, Clinical Psychologist, which
means they carry out highly specialised assessments
and procedures alongside the more familiar types of physiotherapy
treatment. These range from injections into the joints and soft tissues to relieve pain,
Guided Injection, Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) injections, Shockwave
Here are top 10 amazing benefits that physiotherapy
A whole-person approach
Physiotherapists treat people whose lives are affected by
illness, injury or disability. A physiotherapist has a range of techniques that they can use to relieve
pain, restore movement and support rehabilitation. These include prescribing exercises, using manual
therapies and offering advice and education. It is a whole-person approach that considers all aspects of the
patient’s lifestyle.
Management of long-term conditions
Physiotherapy can be used to support the management of long-term
medical conditions including respiratory conditions (COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis); cardiovascular (chronic
heart disease); neurological (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis) and neuromusculoskeletal
(arthritis, sports injuries, whiplash).
Patient empowerment
Patients are encouraged by physiotherapists to actively
participate in their own care. If you are prescribed exercises or given pain management advice it is
important to follow it. Physiotherapists take care to ensure that their patients understand what is causing
their pain and what they can do themselves to improve it. This can be empowering for people who may be
experiencing pain, loss of movement and a deterioration in their quality of life. Rather than having to wait
for the next appointment, they can be taking action to improve their symptoms on a daily basis.
Pain management
Physiotherapists also help people to manage pain caused by
injury or painful conditions such as arthritis. Ravenscroft’s team includes pain consultants and clinical
psychologists who take a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to pain
If you undergo surgery for an injury or condition, it is
important to rehabilitate properly. Physiotherapy helps patients to recover their strength and flexibility
following surgery which is important to regain range of movement and prevent them from becoming injured
again. Essentially, physiotherapy is about guiding patients back to health and fitness.
Personalised care
Physiotherapy uses a customised approach to patient care. The
physiotherapist will discuss not only your symptoms but also your goals and objectives. Once we find out
what you are hoping to achieve, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan to support that. It may
entail making small lifestyle changes, following an exercise programme or having various therapeutic
Specialist care
While most people tend to use the umbrella term
“physiotherapist”, there are actually different types of physiotherapists who specialise in different
conditions – including respiratory, neurological or musculoskeletal. Consulting the Chartered Society of
Physiotherapists website is a good place to start to find a qualified physiotherapist who specialising in
treating your particular type of health condition or injury.
Physiotherapists work with patients of all ages who may be
experiencing different conditions, injuries or types of pain. However, as well as treating pain,
physiotherapy can also help to prevent problems from developing. For example, gait analysis looks at the way
a person normally walks or runs. It is concerned with the movement of the lower limbs. Paediatric
physiotherapists may use it to identify issues associated with development delays in children. Sportsmen and
women may have gait analysis to improve their running style or address recurrent injuries. Older patients
may be offered a fall prevention programme to improve strength and reduce the risk of becoming injured from
Education and advice
Managing a long-term condition, knowing how and why you became
injured or knowing what you can do to improve your own health and wellbeing are all important to improve
outcomes for patients. A physiotherapist can help you to understand more about your condition so that you
can become more positive and confident about your recovery or better equipped to reduce risk
Non-surgical treatment
If you have a degenerative condition like arthritis,
there are many different non-surgical treatments that you can have without needing to undergo surgery, which
carries risks. Your physiotherapist will always recommend the least invasive treatments first, such as
exercises, orthotics or manual therapies like acupuncture. If you do need to have surgery, physiotherapy can
help you make the best recovery.
If you are looking for leading edge rehabilitation and pain management services to support your recovery or management of your condition, Ravenscroft
Health has a highly experienced clinical team who provide a holistic approach. Our new
state of the art clinic in
Pinner near Harrow is
now open.