Joint Injections

PRP Injections

Ravenscroft Health offers Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to help heal injuries and reduce pain by using a concentrated mix of your own blood’s healing cells.

Fees -


0208 427 0808

At Ravenscroft Health, we offer Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections to promote healing and tissue regeneration. PRP therapy uses your body's own platelets to accelerate the repair of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. This minimally invasive treatment can help reduce pain, improve function, and enhance recovery. Our skilled professionals ensure a safe and effective procedure, tailored to your specific needs, to help you achieve optimal health and mobility.

Why Choose Us?

  • Regulated by the CQC
  • High quality service/highest level of care
  • Easy online booking and same day emergency appointments
  • Same day test results
  • Tailored advice
  • Seen by specialist clinicians
  • No GP referral needed


What is platelet-rich plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma consists of two components: plasma and platelets, which are cells of the blood that aid in healing. Besides their ability to clot, platelets contain growth factors that stimulate cell reproduction and tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area. Blood that is rich in platelets is simply blood that contains more platelets than normal. PRP therapy involves injecting concentrated platelets taken from a patient’s blood onto the scalp or face for hair loss or skin rejuvenation.

PRP is thought to promote healing and stimulate new cell growth in the majority of individuals. It has also been used for a variety of medical treatments, including orthopedic injuries and hair restoration. It is also being explored for its potential use in treating other conditions.

Is PRP painful?

Although the PRP injection itself might be a bit uncomfortable to some, the majority of people find the procedure quite tolerable. Some clients have even fallen asleep during PRP treatment. Many clients rate the procedure as a 1 out of 10 in terms of pain.

The dangers related to PRP are quite insignificant, yet may incorporate bruising, swelling, tenderness, and pain at the injection site. All of these side effects are temporary and should subside a few days after the PRP treatment.  Since PRP is produced from your own natural elements and without the use of any foreign products, there is minimal risk of infection or an allergic reaction. This makes the procedure very safe compared to other procedures on the market.

Is insurance covered for PRP?

Some insurance plans might cover PRP in specific circumstances, while the majority consider PRP therapy as a cosmetic treatment that is not covered by insurance benefits.



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Joint Injections

Pain Management

Sports Injuries

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