Neuro Consultant

Neurological Physiotherapy

Ravenscroft Health offers personalized treatment plans for neurological conditions, focusing on maintaining independence and improving confidence in daily activities.

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Our specialist team works closely with you to make a plan that's just right for you. We focus on helping you stay independent and feel more confident in your daily life. Our plans are all about what you need and want, so you can feel your best overall.

What neurological conditions can we treat?

  • Stroke 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Acquired brain and spinal cord Injury 
  • Traumatic spinal cord injury 
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Guillain- Barre syndrome 
  • Peripheral neuropathy 
  • Motor neuron disease (MND)

What neurological treatments do we provide?

Treatment plans can be tailored to suit each individual’s needs and goals. Our comprehensive range of treatments are aimed at improving quality of movement, function and postural control. Our therapists use specialist handling techniques, using the Bobath Concept and techniques such as Conductive Education and Task-Oriented Approach (where functional tasks are the focus of treatment). When required, we can also liaise with orthotists and podiatrists on specialist footwear and splints.


Enhancing Life, Excelling In Care.

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