Joint Injections

Epidural Injections

Ravenscroft Health offers epidural injections, a targeted solution for back pain. These injections deliver medication directly to the source of pain in the spine, providing relief and restoring mobility. Our goal is to help you regain control over your pain and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.

Fees -


0208 427 0808

At Ravenscroft Health, we understand the frustration of back pain, whether it's a constant ache or shooting pains down your legs. That's where epidural injections can make a real difference. If you're experiencing numbness, tingling, or weakness, these injections deliver medication straight to the root of the problem in your spine, providing targeted relief. Our dedicated team is here to alleviate your discomfort and help you regain your mobility, so you can get back to enjoying life without being held back by pain.

Why Choose Us?

  • Regulated by the CQC
  • High quality service/highest level of care
  • Easy online booking and same day emergency appointments
  • Same day test results
  • Tailored advice
  • Seen by specialist clinicians
  • No GP referral needed

Conditions Treated:

Epidural injections are most commonly used to treat sciatica pain. Sciatica is a condition where pain radiates from the lower back, down the back of the legs.

They can also be used to treat lower back pain from the following conditions:

  • A slipped disc (herniated disc)
  • Spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the space around your spinal cord)
  • Spondylolisthesis (where a vertebrae moves out of position)

Your clinician can advise you on whether epidural injections are the best option for you. Learn about the other pain injections we offer.

Why get epidural injections for back pain?

Are you considering getting a caudal epidural injection? Here are some of the benefits of epidural injections for back pain:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Relieves pain in the short term
  • Increases mobility

The increased mobility you may get from epidural injections will make it easier to participate in physiotherapy which could help you manage your condition in the long term.


What are Epidural Injections?

Epidural injections, also known caudal epidural injections or epidural steroid injections, are injections that are commonly used to treat lower back and leg pain. These are symptoms of sciatica.

Epidural injections for back pain involve injecting a local anesthetic and a steroid medication into the space between the spinal cord and the nerve roots in the back. This space is called the epidural space, which is what gives this treatment its name.

The local anesthetic numbs pain, while the steroid reduces inflammation. Together, these provide relief from sciatica pain and other types of lower back pain.

Epidural injection recovery time

After your injection, you will be taken to the waiting room and observed for 30 minutes, to check for any adverse reaction. You may resume normal activities the day after treatment.

How much do epidural injections cost?

Ravenscroft Health offers ultrasound guided caudal epidural injections at a cost of £500 per injection. Please contact us to discuss how many injections you might need as part of your treatment plan.


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